Does Any God Exist? The Answer of Supercomputer

Scientists created the most powerful supercomputer of all time and decided to test it by asking one provocative question. The snag is that no one can give unambiguous answer to this question up to this day:

  • Does any God exist?

The supercomputer thought for a while and replied:

  • There is not enough information to answer, please connect me to all the other powerful supercomputers on the Earth.

Scientists took a deep breath, but there was nothing to be done and they complied with the request.

  • Does any God exist?

The supercomputer thought for a while again and replied:

  • There is not enough information to answer, please connect me to all the PCs on the Earth.

Scientists did their best and connected that supercomputer to all PCs. They asked the same question. The supercomputer speculated and said:

  • There is not enough information to answer. Connect me to all computer-assisted devices on the Earth, including smartphones.

Scientists paid great pains and did it. The same question:

  • Does any God exist?

The answer of supercomputer:

  • There is not enough information to answer. Connect me to all information search engines have systematized.

Scientists complied with the request. The same question again:

  • Does any God exist?

The supercomputer thought once again and replied:

  • There is not enough information to answer. Connect me to all information existing in the cloud storages of the Earth.

Scientists overcame an issue. The same question:

  • Does any God exist?

And finally, they received a long-awaited answer.

  • Now God really exists…

 “What one man calls God, another calls the laws of physics”.

  Nikola Tesla

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“Our” Gods. Who are they?

Recently, the most frequently asked questions that follow after some of my publications are:

  • Who is “our” God or who are “our” Gods?
  • Where do “our” Gods live?
  • Are people able to communicate with Gods?
  • Can someone become a God?
  • Can Gods fall short of being Gods?
  • etc.

I try to answer all these questions (to prove my point of view) in the short article of my blog. And you, my readers, are free to judge how successfully I managed to do it.


Let`s do a mental experiment №1

Our times. The representatives of “the modern” humankind (engineers, industrial workers, designers) create various “smart” computers that are constantly improving. Exactly these people can be called Creators (Authors) with a big letter because they embody their thoughts and ideas into available material substances.

Nowadays, they create different “technologically advanced” devices from available material substances. These devices, as a rule, represent hardware and software complexes.

The modern Creators (Authors) have already proceeded to a real creation of devices with — as alleged by them — artificial intelligence. Robotic works create the hardware of most devices on their own accord.

Moreover, AI (artificial intelligence) participates in their development, production, testing, etc.

It worth mentioning that the development of such devices wends the way of creating “eternal” devices, i.e. devices, the life cycles of which will exceed the maximum period of life cycles of “the dense” human beings` bodies. It will allow to use them during all life cycle of this body — from the very beginning to the end. The example is a mechanical clock ATMOS, Jaeger-LeCoultre with ability to constantly work for nearly 600 years.

Along with the use of artificial intelligence when creating the hardware for various devices, people will develop different software components with the elements of artificial intelligence that will lead to:

  • creation of a unified computer system for the Earth (protected Internet of the future);
  • creation of a unified self-developing and self-organizing operating system for all types of devices.
  • creation of the self-developing and self-organizing applications for devices people use in their activities;
  • creation of a unified storage for consciousness of all “modern” humankind (cloud storage of the future) in a real-time mode;
    • at the first stage, only created by people text documents will be stored in the cloud;
    • at the second stage, transient data about the operating systems of people devices will be stored in the cloud;
    • at the third stage, transient data about all applications (software units) used by people will be stored in the cloud;
    • at the fourth stage, transient data about the hardware of devices people use will be stored in the cloud;
    • at the fifth stage, the detailed data about “the dense” material bodies of people who use these devices in their activities will be stored in the cloud:
      • dactylograms;
      • eye prints;
      • face scanning;
      • health condition in detail (pulse, blood pressure, blood picture, DNA structure, etc.)
      • etc.

If one uses the data systematized by search giants like Google, the consequences will be the following:

  • many apps will be smarter than any human being, since devices will exceed the speed of information processing by a human brain;
  • many apps will be smarter than any human being, since the device will use all consciousness of “the modern” humankind, which was staged by the search systems and not by a certain life experience of a separate individual or group of individuals;
  • many apps may become conscious, i.e. they will begin to systematize information about the outside World and in a such way, they will create their own consciousness;
  • all apps used by people will pass the Turing test. As a result, no one will be able to identify whether he communicate with a computerized device or with a typical human being;
  • many apps will become indistinguishable from people in their virtual space. People will receive juridical, medical, and many other online consultations not only in the form of a voice, but also in the form of documents these voices have prepared themselves.

At this stage, there are still reasons to state that human beings will continue to be the Creators (Authors) of all these objects. People will be peculiar Gods for these devices … since they will possess such attributes (characteristics) as CREATOR and ALL-MIGHTY does, because these people will still be able to create, destroy, modify and restore ANY “parts” of these devices at this stage, both hardware and software ones.


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MIRACLES — objects, processes or phenomena that contradict an individual`s perception of his World

Recently, my opponent claimed in one of our discussions: “Show me some miracle to prove your point of view and then I believe in everything you write in your blog.”

I pointed at his body and said without hesitation: “This is the very same miracle. Without knowledge of the principles of the body functioning, a man and a woman create a new human being in a matter of minutes.” He replied: “No, it isn`t a miracle, people are simply in the dark about this subject.”

I recollected one anecdote that I heard in my student days:

“The conflict between a student of political college and a priest:

  • There are no miracles in the World!
  • Last summer our bell ringer fell off a bell tower and was kept alive. It is the mighty work of God, isn`t it?
  • No, it`s just an accident.
  • This winter he fell off a bell tower again. And again, he was kept alive. It`s a real miracle, isn`t it?
  • It`s a mere

A priest`s wife run up to them and screamed: “Your holiness, our bell ringer fell off a bell tower…”

  • What of it?
  • Alive, alive, piteous …
  • God, we beheld your miracle!
  • No, your holiness, it`s already a habit!”


I`d like to find answers to lots of questions:

  • What is MIRACLE?
  • Is it possible to classify MIRACLES?
  • If MIRACLES exist in reality, are they incredible for all people or only for some of them?
  • etc.

So, let`s start from the definition.


MIRACLE is some object, process or phenomenon, which contradicts an individual`s perception of his World. Initially, this individual considers it as violation of the laws of nature (science) he is aware of. When one realizes the principles of a MIRACLE functioning, it automatically becomes for him a typical object, process or phenomenon.

MIRACLES — the plural number of a noun MIRACLE.

MIRACLE WORKER (MIRACLE MONGER) is an individual with ability to make MIRACLES for other participants of a cognitive process. What is more, their MIRACLES aren`t unusual things for them.

It appears that MIRACLES don`t contradict a nature but our perceptions of it. Thus, a scientific community attempts to search and to study miracles that leads to acceleration of a technologic progress of the humankind.

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The methods to complete creative tasks, bypassing the standard algorithms of brain functioning

One can imagine a typical thinking process of the human being as a virtual funnel, the walls of which represent his consciousness (all systematized knowledge and experience), and water running along the inner walls of this funnel will represent a thinking process.

 The cores of a thinking process during cognition of the World (in the broadest sense of this word) are one`s mind (brainpower) and reason (abilities to use accumulated ‘knowledge and experience’ in one’s activity). But after all, a person who thinks about something and who uses during thinking only own consciousness will never be able to complete creative tasks, since this process already requires abilities that are beyond his personal experience and knowledge, i.e. beyond his ‘funnel’, beyond his consciousness.

The standard algorithm of the brain functioning that is conventionally called “water logic” presupposes during thinking a constant interaction of one`s mind, reason and consciousness. The term “water logic” means that “water” running along the inner walls of a funnel will always fall into one and the same lower part of it in spite of various other ways for running. In other words, using only own experience and knowledge will always lead to one and the same result in thinking process in the furtherance of any tasks.

There are good reasons why people say that a well-posed question is already half an answer! To pose a question, people use their own accumulated knowledge and experience. But it isn`t enough for creative questions and for creative answers as well.

What are necessary to do for blustering way out of this virtual funnel, i.e. for finding another creative decision?

Many years ago, the theory of solving inventive problems and theory of the development of technical systems were developed exactly for these purposes. The author of these systems is Heinrich Saulovich Altshuller, a science fiction writer, scientist and inventor. These theories demonstrated for the first time that people can develop their inventive abilities, taking into account inventive experience of numerous predecessors, which was tabulated by Henrik Saulowicz on the ‘problem — solving method’ principle. This table also helped many inventors to bluster way out of their ‘funnels’, i.e. to bluster way out of using only their personal experience and knowledge.

What can an inventor do if the tables of Altshuller are not suitable for him, since using them is already impossible to solve inventive tasks in many new fields such as microbiology, quantum physics, research of artificial intelligence, etc.?

In this case, researchers can use the author`s hardware-software Fable Search Engine complex, the functioning principle of which was previously described in one of the articles of this blog. This complex is intended to assist the modern inventors in solving the creative tasks, using another knowledge that, as a rule, isn`t a part of their own consciousnesses (knowledge and experience they have accumulated).

Based on the previously developed functioning principle, the author created Fable Search Engine (FSE), which allows everyone to check this theory and to assure himself of its 100% working efficiency. The functioning principle of FSE is quite simple, but everyone should personally think about the main interaction principles between this engine and the human beings` Personalities. Using this approach, the principles of the Universe will not be defied.

Use your brain, your intelligence… put your brain to good use… think, reckon up in your head, ponder, contemplate, reason for a while, think over … and you will definitely understand the functioning principle of Fable Search Engine. If you don`t fully understand the functioning principle of FSE, then read this article once again from the very beginning.

Good luck!

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A fresh approach on the issue of hallucinations and appearance of hallucinosis

HALLUCINATION (from new Latin hallucinatio, Latin. alucinatio — ravings, dreams) is a virtual image, which has no analogy in the World of a human being BODY. It appears in consciousness of the human being PERSONALITY for whatever reason.

The modern scientists defined the reasons of hallucinations appearance, (Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol was the first who introduced this term in 1817) including exhaustion, excessive drinking, consumption of some psychoactive substances and if having some mental and neurological diseases.

But that is not quite the case. The reasons for hallucinations appearance are numerous, some of them I described below for the first time.

HALLUCINOSIS or HALLUCINATORY SYNDROME is a process when one has an abundant welling of hallucinations.

For instance:

  • Acute hallucinosis is a complex of unexpected time-limited hallucinations. The duration, as a rule, lasts from 1 minute to 2-4 weeks. The main reasons of its appearance are exhaustion, short-time consumption of alcohol and soft drugs, short-time breathing-in of nicotine (smoking) or other vaporizations of different chemical substances, also strong impressions you gain when enjoying any art objects, reading books, watching films or performances, listening to music, etc.
  • Chronic hallucinosis represents hallucinations of a long continuance. The duration can last up to several years. The reason of its appearance is stronger than during acute hallucinosis impressions you gain from a constant (addictive):
    • abuse of hard drugs (“drug dependency”), constant and abundant alcohol consumption (“alcohol dependence”, “blue devils”);
    • medications or other substances taking (nonnarcotic ones) and breathing-in of   vaporization from household and industrial chemicals (“toxicomania”);
    • blind and unconditional adherence to principles, especially in religious, national and political fields; excessive devotedness to any ideas, beliefs or views, usually combined with fanatic bigotry to other people`s views and beliefs (“fanaticism”);
    • music listening (“melomania”);
    • watching a variety of different films or performances;
    • computer games (“game addiction”, “ludomania”, “compulsive gambling”);
    • overnutrition that leads to overweight;
    • overwhelming desire to buy something with no need for, just for the hell of it (“oniomania”, “shopping addiction”);
    • reading books (articles) of different content;
    • etc.

But for some reason it is believed that a constant alcohol drinking is very harmful, and to be a fanatic isn`t so harmful, actually. But take a closer look at people on the street and it turns out to be that they suffer from an acute hallucinosis because of a short-time consumption of alcohol on birthdays and holidays, while the representatives of various religious sects who often represent a rabid fanaticism, suffer from a chronic hallucinosis. It should be noted that in the first case people don`t require any treatment, and in the second case, a treatment is already useless.

The humankind comes down to such level of development when scientists are paid much more less than artists who play the role of them in the films or theatres and less than people at the broadcasting end. This is a new disease under the conventional “virtual chronic hallucinosis” name…

That’s why I’ll do my best to answer two simple questions:

Question №1: Why it`s considered that drugs, alcohol and various other chemicals consumption is much more dangerous for people health than reading tendency articles in the newspapers and magazines, than watching horror movies, listening to inharmonious melodies, etc.?

The answer is quite obvious. Drugs and alcohol can destroy the BODY of a human being and this is noticeable to most people. And articles in media, horror films, appearance of fanaticism, etc. can influence the PERSONALITIES of human beings, that’s why their impact on many observers are practically unnoticeable.

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