Perception vs Receptivity vs Manifestation

COGNITION is a complex of processes, procedures and methods of acquisition of knowledge about phenomena and regularities of the objective World. A lot of special disciplines such as cognitive psychology, scientific methodology, history of science, Scientology, sociology of knowledge, etc. investigate cognition. However, most of these sciences study cognition, considering only certain aspects of it. On the whole, knowledge remains a special subject of philosophy study.

Let’s try to consider the COGNITION from another point of view – the point of view of the author of this article.

PERCEPTION (from Latin ‘perceptio’) is the simplest kind of cognition during which realizes ‘sensation’ of the World (in the broadest sense of this word). The discovery and differentiation processes take place in receptors of the body (flesh) and usually fall into perception. Theoretically, perception is the prerogative of any objects having a body (flesh).

RECEPTIVITY is more complicated kind of cognition during which one reflects earlier received perceptions (sensations) as objects, processes, phenomena. In a such way one formulates his own subjective understanding of the World. The identification and recognition (categorization) processes usually fall into receptivity. Theoretically, receptivity is the prerogative only of conscious objects.

 MANIFESTATION is the most pervasive kind of cognition during which one organizes perceptions one has received earlier into interdependent strings. These strings help someone to “see” cause-and-effect relations of the earlier perceived processes and phenomena of ‘our’ Universe. The thinking (speculation, using one’s brain help someone to use systematized information in his/her activity) usually fall into manifestation. Theoretically, manifestation is the prerogative of conscious Beings and Entities (they use consciousness in their activity, i.e. information they have systematized during cognition).


 Mental experiment №1. A fisherman at the pond.

The fishing rod with its line, buoy and hook can be considered as a peculiar device, “special equipment for the elongation of a fisherman hand” or “elongate arm prosthesis” with the help of which he can fish more successfully. This fisherman baited and tested the waters. Firstly, the fish (the observer in our case) senses a jig (perception), its brain reflected this jig on the hood as its favorite food (receptivity). But fish, as a rule, cannot think about what can be beyond this jig. It cannot realize that there is a fisherman, on whose rod this jig is fixed. Exactly this realization is a pervasive manifestation.


Mental experiment №2: A human being cognizes the World.

It is impossible to precisely identify a human being if basing only on his/her body parameters. A mere plastic operation and you will not recognize a human being you knew before. That’s why to solve this case a complex of BODY and PERSONALITY parameters are used, thanks to which every human being become an INDIVIDUUM. Individuum is the conventional name of a human being who possesses individuality, i.e. unique BODY and unique PERSONALITY.

When people assert that they know this “human” (to be more precise, a human being) it means that they identify this human being according to two interrelated components:

  • They know how the BODY of a human being in which the ENTITY of a human being incarnated looks like;
  • They know the PERSONALITY of this human being, which they associate with this body as a complex of his/her stable traits.

If only one of the mentioned above items will be changed, people will not recognize this human being (“human”).

It can happen if:

  • the BODY is changed (plastic operation, body injury, etc.);
  • the PERSONALITY of a human being is changed, by any reason the stable traits of the PERSONALITY change (a human being acquires new knowledge and aptitudes) or a human being have wasted his/her knowledge and aptitudes (which he/she had before).

Based on the mentioned above material, one can assert that people identify each other according to two interrelated components that are BODY and PERSONALITY of a human being.

But if the BODY is already formed during the birth, i.e. during child-bearing, then the moment when the PERSONALITY formation is unknown to many people.

The moment of the human being PERSONALITY formation is the moment of the “Self” (the ENTITY of a human being) incarnation into the BODY of a human being. This process is called CREATION (co-creation), because parents or partners participate in the creation of a human being. The completely different object under the conventional “SELF” or the ENTITY of a human being name deals with the creation of the PERSONALITY of a human being.

Here is the most interesting thing. People, as a rule, cannot “see” the ENTITY of a human being or their “Selves”, that’s why they resemble a fish the author described in the mentioned above mental experiment. But human beings differ from fishes by their ability to perform a pervasive king of cognition that is manifestation. With the help of thinking (speculation, using one’s brain) some PERSONALITIES of human beings recognize not only “themselves”, but also their place in the Universe…


© 2017, Helen Zhoglo, translation into English


Philosophy of INCARNATION. Part #4. INCARNATION procedure. Introduction to “our” “Selves”

“You look into the eyes of your interlocutor
and realize that this entity cannot brim with a smart look.
You see the flesh, but communicate with invisible spiritual entity.”

Yuri Larichev
“The Slavic Veda. The Hermetic Philosophy in a Readily Understandable Format. The Gospel for Myself.”

Let’s realize what we say:

  • My legs, my shoes …
  • My eyes, my binocular, my microscope …
  • My ears, my hearing kit …
  • Etc.

We say everything correctly!

“My” does not mean “Self”. “My”, on the contrary, means something separate from “Self”, from “MySelf”.

PEOPLE understand that a HUMAN BEING is not only his “dense” corporeal BODY, it’s still something outside it.

Numerous amputations of the body organs, as well as their prosthetics, mean the following:


“Self” of a human being does not occupy any particular part of his BODY.


“Self” of a human being is a part of his body.


Many years ago, Kirlian spouses discovered the lacking (ragged before) leaf fluorescence:

This proves the idea of information storage of this leaf, as if it were an integral object, even if a part of it is already damaged or non-existent. And the whole information about the object is stored in every part of it, even in the smallest one.

It is “Kirlian effect” sets in motion researchers’ minds who have begun to argue that this corona discharge is “the very same elusive biofield”.

It is the “appearing” of a human being “Self” in the BODY is associated with a process under the conventional “EMBODIMENT” name.

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Philosophy of INCARNATION. Part #3. INSTALLATION procedure. Computer system and its “Self”

Over the past 100-150 years a number of modern technologies has exceeded their total number in contrast with the earlier human developments throughout the history…

Radio- and TV set, wire and wireless communication, underwater and air means of transport, space vehicles …

The widespread use of computers boosts the modern technologies development. It is already impossible to communicate remotely, to create movies, to print books, to use many equipment and devices without using a PC.

What happens next?

What turn will the modern humanity development take? What importance will be computer systems and artificial intelligence in the sphere of new technologies development of? Where is “Self” of computer systems and what is it?

This article is dedicated exactly to this subject.

Everything described by the author below will expect the humanity in the next 20-30 years … And this computer technologies miracle will be called “The Unified Computer System for the Earth.”

Some of the system units have already began to develop and popularly are called in a simple and non-intrusive way “THE CLOUD STORAGE“.



Today every PC or smartphone user keeps practically all his information “in the cloud”. PC users think that this “cloud” looks like this:


From a customer’s point of view, the so-called “cloud” is one very large virtual server. But in fact, PC users see neither a number of “cloud storages”, nor any inner structure of them. Physically, “cloud” servers can be located geographically remote from each other anywhere in the world.

Many users do not even know what do the terms “cloud” or “cloud data storage” mean, where is exactly this information, what is the principle of this information recording and readout, as well as the direction of this information from its multimedia device to the” Cloud “and vice versa. Nobody knows the answer to all these questions now. The reasons for it are not a bad schooling or a bad study at the institute, but:

  • Today the number of data recording and data reading principles is huge. These are HDD disks, SDD disks, CD & DVD disks, etc. I specifically used abbreviations that are known to readers. But technologies are in rapid evolution… More advanced technologies are already used in the “cloud”…;
  • The number of “cloud storages” is growing every day, and the storage location of information is determined by algorithms of the “cloud” functioning, and not by the user wishes. User data can be duplicated to different data centers, to different servers, to different media … The purpose of it is to facilitate user’s access to information and to exclude the possibility of losing the data;
  • Let’s try to answer the question like “How does a signal pass from the user’s computer (smartphone) to the web site and back?”. This question cannot be answered on principle … Firstly, a signal can pass through the “twisted pair” cable inside your apartment, then through the optic fiber to the internet provider in your location, then through the underground backbone fiber cable, then through the satellite channel or the transoceanic cable and so on. But you are not interested in it. The only important thing for user is to get answer to his search query. This is reality. And after all, if there is a slightest damage of almost any element of this path, a signal will automatically pass through another workable at this time route. This network was originally created to ensure unbroken connection between military infrastructure facilities in the period of nuclear war…

Do you still believe that you know what the “cloud” or “cloud data storage” is and what is the working principle of your device with it?

But only one of many “cloud” components of the Facebook already looks like this:




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Philosophy of INCARNATION. Part #2. OBJECTIFICATION procedure. TV set and its «Self»

Once I had a dream containing the information of the OBJECTIFICATION procedure.  I made good use of the knowledge received. Little by little, I will try to deliver this information to my readers in the form I received it. I hope that not only radio engineers would be interested in this article…

“There was a working television (a modern TV set) in my dream. I don’t remember what kind of a telecast was shown on it but stream of consciousness (a process of information systematizing) went on rather quickly…


I immediately realized that a nonmaterial object under the conventional “television program” name OBJECTIFIED into a material object (a complex of different materials parts under the conventional “TV” name). This process was very “tricky” one. The “TV program” object could multiply, in other words, it could OBJECTIFY in a huge number of “TV sets” (could copy many times without decreasing in “size”). Besides, it also remained in a working “TV tower” as a “television program” recording on a modern carrier of information.

I also understood that practically every viewer can get in touch with a “TV tower” and receive identical copy of a “TV program” that was already “objectified” in the “TV sets” before. If a viewer has “good friends” in the “right places” (TV towers), he will be able to gain access even to the “TV programs” being not “objectified” in “televisions” before that.

The most interesting thing is that different TV programs could be SIMULTANEOUSLY OBJECTIFIED in different TV sets. …

Different TV programs could also implement in one and the same TV… But only in sequence…

Besides, the “TV” was of material nature just as “TV programme” was nonmaterial object.

The “recollections” about Karlsson, a cartoon character, immediately “jumped” to my mind. I remembered the episode where he contemplated about “a man who get into such a small TV” and spoke with his “talking head” …


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Philosophy of INCARNATION. Part #1. EMBODIMENT procedure. “Implementation” into a body.


A BODY is a part of an object limiting by “interface” from its environment.

Men use developed by them BODIES of the objects as their identifications during a cognitive process.



A BODY is distinct only in its “consistence” level. This was the reason for early Slavs to express their worldview by the word FLESH.

FLESH (BODY) is a part of an object (essence, creature), which differs in a “consistence” level from the environment.



All objects can be divided into two categories according to specific person’s perception: “visible” and “invisible”.

VISIBLE is a subjective characteristic of an object whose FLESH (BODY) existence a person can assert, in other words he can touch (“see”) it.

INVISIBLE is a subjective characteristic of an object whose FLESH (BODY) existence a person cannot assert, in other words he cannot touch (“cannot see”) it.

This division into visible and invisible objects is conventional, because one and the same object can be as visible as well as invisible one for different people.

I would like to draw the attention of my readers to the fact that many psychics say: I “see”, I “saw”, etc. But it would be better to say: I “perceived”, I “felt”, etc. Since the term SEE is usually applied in a rigid connection with the eyes of a human being, here it is written in quotes …


«BODILESS» objects

If a person “sees” (touches, asserts the existence of it) an object, it means the existence of the “interface” limiting it from the environment; so called FLESH or BODY.

This is the reason to claim that

BODILESS objects do not exist!

Nobody can “see” or “feel” a BODILESS object, since they do not exist! Nevertheless, what is meant by the term “BODILESS”, which is so often used in the pseudoscientific literature?

BODILESS is a subjective characteristic of an object whose body existence a person cannot assert because of many reasons.


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