A fresh approach on the issue of hallucinations and appearance of hallucinosis

HALLUCINATION (from new Latin hallucinatio, Latin. alucinatio — ravings, dreams) is a virtual image, which has no analogy in the World of a human being BODY. It appears in consciousness of the human being PERSONALITY for whatever reason.

The modern scientists defined the reasons of hallucinations appearance, (Jean-Étienne Dominique Esquirol was the first who introduced this term in 1817) including exhaustion, excessive drinking, consumption of some psychoactive substances and if having some mental and neurological diseases.

But that is not quite the case. The reasons for hallucinations appearance are numerous, some of them I described below for the first time.

HALLUCINOSIS or HALLUCINATORY SYNDROME is a process when one has an abundant welling of hallucinations.

For instance:

  • Acute hallucinosis is a complex of unexpected time-limited hallucinations. The duration, as a rule, lasts from 1 minute to 2-4 weeks. The main reasons of its appearance are exhaustion, short-time consumption of alcohol and soft drugs, short-time breathing-in of nicotine (smoking) or other vaporizations of different chemical substances, also strong impressions you gain when enjoying any art objects, reading books, watching films or performances, listening to music, etc.
  • Chronic hallucinosis represents hallucinations of a long continuance. The duration can last up to several years. The reason of its appearance is stronger than during acute hallucinosis impressions you gain from a constant (addictive):
    • abuse of hard drugs (“drug dependency”), constant and abundant alcohol consumption (“alcohol dependence”, “blue devils”);
    • medications or other substances taking (nonnarcotic ones) and breathing-in of vaporization from household and industrial chemicals (“toxicomania”);
    • blind and unconditional adherence to principles, especially in religious, national and political fields; excessive devotedness to any ideas, beliefs or views, usually combined with fanatic bigotry to other people`s views and beliefs (“fanaticism”);
    • music listening (“melomania”);
    • watching a variety of different films or performances;
    • computer games (“game addiction”, “ludomania”, “compulsive gambling”);
    • overnutrition that leads to overweight;
    • overwhelming desire to buy something with no need for, just for the hell of it (“oniomania”, “shopping addiction”);
    • reading books (articles) of different content;
    • etc.

But for some reason it is believed that a constant alcohol drinking is very harmful, and to be a fanatic isn`t so harmful, actually. But take a closer look at people on the street and it turns out to be that they suffer from an acute hallucinosis because of a short-time consumption of alcohol on birthdays and holidays, while the representatives of various religious sects who often represent a rabid fanaticism, suffer from a chronic hallucinosis. It should be noted that in the first case people don`t require any treatment, and in the second case, a treatment is already useless.

The humankind comes down to such level of development when scientists are paid much more less than artists who play the role of them in the films or theatres and less than people at the broadcasting end. This is a new disease under the conventional “virtual chronic hallucinosis” name…

That’s why I’ll do my best to answer two simple questions:

Question №1: Why it`s considered that drugs, alcohol and various other chemicals consumption is much more dangerous for people health than reading tendency articles in the newspapers and magazines, than watching horror movies, listening to inharmonious melodies, etc.?

The answer is quite obvious. Drugs and alcohol can destroy the BODY of a human being and this is noticeable to most people. And articles in media, horror films, appearance of fanaticism, etc. can influence the PERSONALITIES of human beings, that’s why their impact on many observers are practically unnoticeable.

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Philosophy of INCARNATION. Part #2. OBJECTIFICATION procedure. TV set and its «Self»

Once I had a dream containing the information of the OBJECTIFICATION procedure. I made good use of the knowledge received. Little by little, I will try to deliver this information to my readers in the form I received it. I hope that not only radio engineers would be interested in this article…

“There was a working television (a modern TV set) in my dream. I don’t remember what kind of a telecast was shown on it but stream of consciousness (a process of information systematizing) went on rather quickly…


I immediately realized that a nonmaterial object under the conventional “television program” name OBJECTIFIED into a material object (a complex of different materials parts under the conventional “TV” name). This process was very “tricky” one. The “TV program” object could multiply, in other words, it could OBJECTIFY in a huge number of “TV sets” (could copy many times without decreasing in “size”). Besides, it also remained in a working “TV tower” as a “television program” recording on a modern carrier of information.

I also understood that practically every viewer can get in touch with a “TV tower” and receive identical copy of a “TV program” that was already “objectified” in the “TV sets” before. If a viewer has “good friends” in the “right places” (TV towers), he will be able to gain access even to the “TV programs” being not “objectified” in “televisions” before that.

The most interesting thing is that different TV programs could be SIMULTANEOUSLY OBJECTIFIED in different TV sets. …

Different TV programs could also implement in one and the same TV… But only in sequence…

Besides, the “TV” was of material nature just as “TV programme” was nonmaterial object.

The “recollections” about Karlsson, a cartoon character, immediately “jumped” to my mind. I remembered the episode where he contemplated about “a man who get into such a small TV” and spoke with his “talking head” …


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