The Prophet’s life journey as the manifestation of the chosen method they employ to publicity the prophecies


(Fantasy) 🙂

Everyone who is able to communicate directly with “unknown intelligent forces” chooses his own path, which allows him to most effectively convey the information (prophecies) received in the process of such communication to people. Here are some examples:

  • Edgar Cayce chose the path of the “sleeping prophet”, drawing up prophecies in the form of verbatim answers to questions, the so-called “Readings”. The questions and answers ranged from diagnoses for the sick to information on the causes of the emergence and demise of civilizations on our planet.
  • Wolf Messing chose the path of concert activities, thus demonstrating some of his abilities and convincing the audience that this was “pop telepathy” based on “muscle reading”.
  • Nikola Tesla has chosen the path of inventor of devices that can change the direction of humanity. Modern scientists cannot repeat many of his experiments to this day. Nikola lived like a hermit in hotel rooms, leaving no record of the details of his serious experiments. Most of his devices he debugged solely by conducting mental experiments.
  • Jules Verne, Herbert George Wells, and Alexander Belyaev chose to write science fiction. Science fiction allowed them to calmly formulate many ideas that they could not publish in another form, without being accused by supporters of the current scientific paradigms of illiteracy, incompetence, and maybe even insanity… That is why in various popular science magazines you can find signatures under works such as “Scientist, science fiction writer I.A.Efremov“…
  • Robert Bartini chose the path of an aircraft designer. Sergey Pavlovich Korolev called Bartini his teacher. Aircraft designer O.K. Antonov called Bartini “the most outstanding person in the history of aviation”. Many of his technological ideas are waiting for their practical testing and implementation to this day. As aircraft designer M.A. Guryanov recalled, “Bartini was not a designer in the conventional sense. He could not even calculate the simplest knot. He said that he graduated from the Polytechnic Institute in Milan – and he did not know how to draw! But he knew an incredible number of things beyond his specialty – literature, architecture, history – he played the piano, painted, spoke many languages… His machines were calculated and drawn by other people. Bartini did. He would sit down, close his eyes – an hour or two would pass – then he’d take a pencil and draw. He drew beautifully!”
  • Konstantin Tsiolkovsky chose the path of a school teacher, inventor, writer, and philosopher. Although it is worth noting that in the 1880s and 1890s Tsiolkovsky published several texts that are usually classified as science fiction. As early as 1887 he wrote a great story “On the Moon”, stories “Dreams of the Earth and the Sky” (1895), “Beyond the Earth” (1916). There were other works, such as the 1894 manuscript, inaccurately titled “A Change in Relative Gravity on the Earth” (first publication 1960). From my point of view, these were not fiction works, but popular science literature, allowing the author to convey to the mass reader ideas about the possibility of space travel and to describe all the phenomena associated with it: acceleration, overloads, weightlessness, and to consider possible problems of the realization of the idea, which require their solution during long voyages – artificial gravity, oxygen production by plants, lighting, heating, plant cultivation, etc. Philosophical, however, Tsiolkovsky’s works are more fantastic than all his science fiction stories and novels. In them the great visionary tried to simulate with the help of scientific methods the doctrine of the Universe and the place of man in the hierarchy of beings and entities of the Nature.

Telling about his innermost ideas to Alexander Leonidovich Chizhevsky, K.E. Tsiolkovsky says: “Just do not laugh and do not give me a place behind bars in the lunatic asylum.” Even in some of his manuscripts, Konstantin Eduardovich had to write the word “Fantasy” on the first page, the presence of which allowed him to ignore the comments of his critics. As an example – the article “Pythagoras”, which describes in a simple form how ancient people could determine the size of the planet Earth and determine that it has the shape of a sphere.


Modern prophets also choose their own methods of communicating prophecies to people, which allow them to be intermediaries between people and “unknown intelligent forces.

I can affirm that there are many people who are able to communicate with “unknown intelligent forces,” both world-renowned and unknown:

  • If people with such abilities are known to those around them, then they are called witches, witches, shamans, shamans, wise men, wizards, mediums, priests, psychics, etc.
  • If people do not tell others about their abilities, then they are perceived by people as ordinary inventors, doctors, teachers, salesmen, artists, artists, writers, psychologists, janitors… The fear of sharing information about such abilities with someone is based on the fact that in case of making it public they can lose friends and partners, as well as the appearance of statements to their address such as “he is just sick”, “schizo is mowing our ranks”, “he has something with his head”, “he is not of this world”, and at maximum – diagnosis “schizophrenia” and subsequent treatment, the main task of which will be to bring their condition to “normal”, from the point of view of treating doctors.

Earthmen are trying to become an interplanetary species by starting expansion of representatives of “modern humanity” to other planets of “our” solar system – the Moon and Mars.

But all mechanisms of the Nature function according to “self-developing” algorithms, the main task of which is survival of all its “parts”… People are its “part” too. Nature’s plans stipulate only such activity of all its “parts” that can benefit it…

Nature automatically regulates the functioning of all its ‘parts’ in such a way as to direct their development in the direction necessary for it and to limit the activity of all its ‘parts’ which are capable of causing it any harm…

The population of beings, most of which do not understand their deep connection with the Nature, do not understand their place in the WorldEarth, which have degraded to the extent that they have already started to harm it, the Nature does not need…

The Nature has not yet decided whether to allow modern humanity to exist at all further than to become an interplanetary species…

Modern humanity is passing an exam today. If it doesn’t pass the exam, it will suffer the same fate as many “other civilizations” (Atlanteans, Toltecs…) that existed earlier on planet Earth and stopped their existence, never having realized their true place in strict hierarchy of beings and essences of the Universe, never having come close to understanding principles of functioning of the Nature algorithms…. All of them “fell into oblivion”.




People capable of communicating with “unknown intelligent forces” very rarely have real friends, as they easily detect insincerity or lies of their interlocutors, as well as “read” their hidden intentions.

People able to communicate with “unknown intelligent forces” are also very difficult to contact with their own kind, since the Nature today rarely approves of such actions… This is how she protects these people from the encroachments of unintelligent beings around them… Don’t believe me? Read the article “Does Modern Power Need a Messiah?”

So what should you do if you believe you are capable of communicating and communicating with “unknown intelligent forces”?

  1. Accept with gratitude this gift from the Nature and stop worrying about it.
  2. Don’t give up this gift from the Nature and don’t fight against it. The Nature knows best…
  3. Find your method of communicating prophecies to the people around you and walk calmly through your life, i.e. walk your life path.

Evaluation of people. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. 1934

tsiolkovsky_smileLet us start with the most sublime. Only history serves us as a guide.

Let us distribute people on grounds of their value, starting from the top.

Love of a few, hate of many and indifference of the majority. Their destiny is, having done their duty, to die young due to the high and mighties. A cross, a guillotine, gallows, a bullet, all sorts of torture – that is their fate. They leave neither wives, nor offspring (Giordano Bruno).

Hundreds and thousands of years pass, and fame of the tortured grows, their influence continues after their death. It yields majestic beneficent results. Humankind raise them to the rank of gods.

Some of the despised, persecuted, arrested, sentenced to penal servitude, but nevertheless dying a natural death. Their dignity grows from the day of their death and reaches a high value many centuries after (Hamilton, Kepler).

And here are genii of a bit lower rank. They are not killed, not tortured to death, but forgotten. Their works are rejected, or decay in cellars. Hundreds of years after their death they are accidentally unveiled. Dignity of a forgotten genius is restored. It also increases with centuries. Leave no offspring (Mendel).

And here is the fourth level of extraordinary people. These obtain some fame at the end of life. Youth spent in pain, frustration, poverty, in prisons. But they die a natural death, although deprivation, exhaustion, humiliation and hunger significantly shorten their lives. Leave no offspring. Examples: Kepler, Copernicus, Galileo, Mendeleev, Lamarck. Their fame is much greater after death. It grows from century to century.

We also have people who reach success in middle age.  They endure a lot as well, but glory and correct assessment come earlier. They are comforted and rewarded with it, although in old age. Often they reach wealth and power by the end of life. Their lineage continues rarely.

At the sixth level of outstanding people we see the following: quick success in youth, honor and wealth. Their works are highly valued after death as well, but do not live for hundreds of years. Offspring, if any, is miserable.

The seventh level: loud practical success, career, conquests, throne. Highly praised only while alive. Estimation is ambivalent. After death, it falls and reaches negative value.

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Creatures from Different Stages of Evolution. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.

tsiolkovsky_smileA molecule, according to our hypothesis, is an infinitely complex matter. Creatures known to us – as well as those who supposedly live close to suns and on planets – are composed or built from molecules of different types (oxygen, hydrogen, iron, carbon, etc.). Let’s look back to the past and imagine the Universe billions of decillions – or as many as you like – years ago. At that time molecules were less complex, and there were other planets, other suns and other creatures, composed from these more simple molecules. When forming chemical compounds, they emitted light of other kind, which now is invisible for us; it couldn’t be perceived by our organs of sight because the size of ether waves was smaller at that time and ether environment was different – thinner and more resilient. Creatures of those days were less dense but they also were subject to evolution, they also struggled for existence; they also became – ages ago – the acme of perfection, and they became immortal rulers of the world, they achieved what humans still are to achieve and what space dwellers akin to us have already achieved, and they obtained bliss.

Could they manage to survive up to now and are they living among us invisible? Or maybe they decomposed, giving birth to creatures of our visible world?

This issue is rather difficult to tackle. A philosopher would say that the origin of matter is common; however, matter, undergoing continuous and, as it seems, simultaneous evolution, exists it in the great number of kinds: from dense metals to ether, which is trillions of times less dense.

If the previous types of unorganized matter somehow managed to preserve, having no intelligence, all the more reason sentient beings could preserve.

Bacteria and the other Protista have existed for ages, but they gave birth to other beings, including humans. But do invisible suns, planets and creatures surround us, like bacteria, which only now humans are able to see? Where do these higher ones live?

Do they inhabit only certain corners of Universe or are they dissipated everywhere and can live wherever they want? What are their properties? Do they have any connections with currently existing creatures? Do they represent the beginning of life for humans and celestial creatures – related to them, although perfect? Or do they represent their soul (or its part)? Do they for some purpose possess animals or humans at conception? Odd questions with no answers. All the same, let’s try to answer the last question, i.e. do these creatures of the past serve as a foundation of a man, do they enter his body at birth and do they represent his soul with its properties?

But, firstly, all properties of a man’s body and soul find explanation in morphology of his body and brain. And even if not all of them are explained yet, we can hope that in future they will be.

 Secondly, if these beings enliven a man, it is difficult to deny the same to an animal. At conception all of them must be inhabited by spirits from earlier days. It looks rather odd! Why do they need suffer in animal and human bodies?! And, finally, why then a man or an animal does not become perfect (in its way) immediately, if a spirit inhabits him at birth? Why a baby is not so clever, as an adult? Why do we acquire intelligence by means of schooling and labor? How does perfection of spirit always depend on the type of animals and perfection of their organs? (To explain this, there is a lousy hypothesis about prestabilism). Why does with destruction of organs spirit weaken as well? Why a higher spirit doesn’t take possession of some fly and turn it into Newton?

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Planets are inhabited by living creatures. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. 1933

tsiolkovsky_smileMany well-educated and worldwide-known scientists disbelieve existence of animals on other planets on the grounds that nobody saw them and they do not show themselves. Likewise, for a long time Europeans believed that there is no America and people living there.

Here we want to prove the contrary: it is quite impossible to doubt inhabitance of numberless planets.

There is undoubted knowledge, although currently it is impossible to verify it. For example, chemical composition of suns’ surface is known in theory. However, we have not hold a single crumb of their substance in our hands. Much is known about celestial bodies. For example, their sizes, distances, densities. But nobody measured all this directly, and only theoretical verification of this knowledge is possible. Nobody saw atoms, however, they undoubtedly exist. Similarly, there are solid grounds for complete confidence in existence of numerous units of nonearthly habitants.

Which are these grounds? We will name them.

  1. All these trillions of suns and all rarefied gaseous masses of the above consist of the same substance as the Earth is composed of.
  1. All planets separated from suns. Therefore, they are also composed of the same matter as the matter which our planet is formed of.
  1. All celestial bodies are subject to gravity. Therefore, weight is found on all planets.
  1. There are liquids and gases on all major planets.
  1. All planets are exposed to the same rays of their suns.
  1. Almost all planets have day-and-night cycles and seasons.

It is evident from the above that planets from various solar systems differ from one another only quantitatively, not qualitatively. Well, they are of different size, have different gravity, different depth of their oceans, different atmospheric depth, they have different mean temperature, different duration of day-and-night cycles and year, different harshness of climate, etc. But, certainly, there are planets extremely similar to the Earth.

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Creatures higher than a Man. Konstantin Tsiolkovsky. 1939

tsiolkovsky_smileDevelopment (phylogenesis) of organic world have not ceased on the Earth, especially development of a man.  A thousand of years ago he was not the same as he is now, 5,000 years back – he was even simpler, 10,000 years back he was close to animals, and 100,000 years ago he was a relative of apes. Going further back, we will reach mammals, reptiles, fishes, worms and bacteria.

And a man has passed through all these stages, before he became the nowaday “tsar” of animals. It is clear that in 1000, 10,000 years he will be a different creature, of a higher type.  Since before we saw only his progress in regard to weight, complexity, intelligence, knowledge and power, in future we could not expect it to be otherwise. So, we expect for higher creatures on the Earth. On a million of billions of another planets there also must be animals. What are they?  On the Earth their height depends on their generical (phylogenetic) age, and so is on another planets. But age of the Earth is extraordinarily young, particularly, age of humankind. Babies, in general, are the fewer in numbers, the less they have lived.   So, there are not so many of such infantile planets as Earth in the Universe. Most of planets, in particular, their humankind, have attained mature age, so will the Earth – in course of time.

In this mature age, animals must be perfect as to body, feelings, mind, knowledge and power.

This power must be enormous. Even now a Man hopes not only to subdue nature, but also to travel among planets and stars of the Universe, so how inconceivably high will his real power be – and, the more so, power of mature planetary creatures?

Here you are: the first category of higher animals; almost all creatures in the Universe are of this kind.

But these creatures are not identical; the same as animals and people on our planet are different. All people will be high, but the degree of this highness is far from being unvaried. Similarly, perfection of habitants of any planet is not equal: the select few are higher than ordinary ones. But on each of the planets there are different levels of selection – someway, different “commanders”. All these people vary in degree of merit. The highest degree will belong to the very last one, chosen from the chosen, the most eligible creature of the planet. He, together with a council, manages the entire planet. How high must he be?!  It will happen on the Earth; it took place on vast majority of planets long ago.

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