Why would a psychic have a peephole in the door?

Why would a psychic have a peephole in the door?

The clairvoyant predicted what would happen to the country in the next thirty years. At that time, there was a knock at the door. – Who is it? – The psychic asked.

As soon as a psychic says he can foresee the future, you can punch him in the snout. Don’t worry, the psychic will see it and dodge it. And if he doesn’t, why feel sorry for charlatans?

Psychics have invented a new service for drug addicts – interpretation of hallucinations.

– Hello. Is this a psychic? – Yes. Can I make an appointment with you on Wednesday? – No! Why not? – You’ll break your leg on Tuesday!

Lecturer in the audience: – How many people here have telekinesis? Raise my hand…

A group of mathematicians caught an esotericist who claimed that all knowledge was originally in people and made him meditate until he learned to solve differential equations.

– I wonder if there is a hundred percent way to tell a real psychic from a fraud? – Uh, sure. You have to ask them to cross a field, back and forth. A mine field.

Walking through the fairgrounds, a man sees the tent of a fortune teller. Deciding this would be funny, he enters the tent. – ‘I see you have two children,’ says the fortune teller, gazing into the crystal ball. – Ha! You think so? – the man sneers. – I have three children. – That’s what you think,” says the seer.