The contents of consciousnesses are …. records that are created on the basis of specific alphabets

The content of consciousness is... a set of records that are created on the basis of a particular alphabet

1. Consciousness (created knowledge, conscious being) is a set of information systematized by the subject, which is thought over and interpreted by him as a result of the cognitive process, “colored” by his emotions, and refracted through his attitude to himself and to the objects of the Universe. In essence, it represents the whole volume of information created by the subject, i.e. his knowledge and life experience, which are formed by him during the life cycle of the creature’s flesh.

2. The content of consciousness represents the entirety of the subject’s realized being, i.e., all of his knowledge and life experience that:

  • are created by the subject during the life cycle of his flesh;
  • “colored” by his emotions and experiences;
  • refracted through his relations to himself and to the objects of the Universe.

3. The contents of the consciousnesses of different subjects differ from each other:

  • alphabets on the basis of which they are created;
  • the volume of content;
  • energy of both content elements and the general energy of consciousness as a whole.

4. The content of consciousnesses of automatic devices is an information object, which consists of a set of information systematized by the device. Automata are devices that perform any actions stipulated by their creators in advance. As an example – systematization of certain information as an exclusive type of activity: a temperature recorder at a weather station; Google search engine indexing system that collects information from the web and systematizes it; etc.

5. The content of consciousnesses of highly developed beings is energy-informational entities, because in the process of cognition they color all their thoughts with their emotions, which leads to the fact that any element of the content of consciousness is an information-energy formation: a set of information elements (information realized by the subject), each of which has an individual energy (subject’s emotion, subject’s thought energy, subject’s experience energy).

6. At the moment of creation or birth of a new flesh, the volume of consciousness of the object created on its basis is close to zero, but it is constantly increasing, reaching its maximum at the moment of death of the flesh.

7. The volume (magnitude) of consciousness is a parameter of consciousness that can be quantified.

8. The measurement of consciousnesses is nothing but the measurement of their content, i.e. the measurement of the content of consciousnesses. Accordingly, consciousnesses should be measured in the appropriate units of measurement of the content of consciousness, which is peculiar to the corresponding being or population of beings. Since beings can have anything as elements of their alphabets: pictorial signs, sounds, colors, smells, images, as well as any other objects that are available for their perception, the “volumes” of the content of corresponding consciousnesses should be measured in corresponding units of elements of their alphabets, which are peculiar to each kind of beings.

9. The term memory is used for the purposes of describing the process of a Being’s reference to its consciousness. Memory is a conventional name for the set of elements of consciousness that can be manifested by a subject when addressing its consciousness.

10. Each person is an individual possessing individuality, i.e. a unique Body and a unique Personality as one of the manifested aspects of the Soul. It is impossible to clearly identify a person based solely on the parameters of his/her body. People identify each other based on the totality of two interrelated components – the Body and the knowledge and life experience of a person, i.e., in essence, the content of his/her consciousness. When people claim to know the person, it means that, –

  • They know what the person’s body looks like;
  • They know what the consciousness, i.e., the knowledge and life experience of that person, which they associate with that particular body, “looks like.”

11. If the body or consciousness is altered for any reason, then the people around them may not recognize that person. This can happen if:

  • The person’s body is changed. For example: plastic surgery has been done, serious facial injuries have occurred, a lot of time has passed and the person’s body has aged, etc.;
  • A person’s consciousness has changed. For example: new knowledge, abilities, skills have appeared or disappeared (a person began to speak foreign languages unknown to him before; began to play well on musical instruments he had not played before, or, on the contrary, “forgot” much of what he knew and knew well before), a person has radically changed his attitude to something or someone, his character or temperament has radically changed.

It is in such cases that people say about such a person – “I do not recognize this person”.



1. Every creature leaves its mark in the Universe and man is no exception. One part of man’s heritage, which has a material basis, goes to planet Earth (built houses, planted trees, educated children, written books, created devices, corpse of a dead body, etc.), and the other part of man’s heritage in the form of his consciousness goes to Nature. I.e. the consciousness of any being does not disappear with the death of the flesh (the end of the life cycle of the flesh), but continues to reside in the Universe as part of the Soul in the form of an energy-informational object.

2. The content of consciousness is a record based on a code consisting of a specific standardized set of objects (alphabets, words, sentences, etc.), which is created by a population of beings of the same species and is available for perception by these beings.

3. The content of consciousness can be created  exclusively during the life cycle of flesh.

4. Alphabet – a standardized set of objects, which is created by a population of beings of one species and is available for perception by these beings, allowing them to create their own languages for communication on this basis:

  • In human beings, the elements of alphabets are pictorial signs – letters, numbers, notes…;
  • In other beings living on planet Earth, the elements of their alphabets are also sounds, colors, smells, and any other objects available to these Beings for perception. Recall how whales, dolphins, bats, dogs, wolves, etc. communicate… Right, with sounds and odors….
  • Entities can have (hypothetically) anything as elements of their alphabets…

5. Word – the basic structural unit of the subject’s language, which serves for naming objects, processes or phenomena in the process of cognition of the Universe, is an arbitrary sequence consisting of the elements included in the alphabet.

6. Proposition– a word or an ordered compound of words organized by a subject.

7. Language – a system that allows correlating the subject’s concepts and properties of objects and processes cognized by him.



Public opinion is… the attitude of members of society to events and processes formed under external influence

Public opinion is...  the attitude of members of society to events and processes formed under the influence of mass media“What is public opinion? Public opinion is programmed. It doesn’t exist as such… Read Pierre Bourdieu. A classic work. Public opinion doesn’t exist. It’s an article, not a monograph, so it can be found and read. Public opinion is programmed by social surveys or opinion polls… There are always more stupid or just plain stupid people in society than smart people. What’s the problem? If you have a democracy and understandably, a majority….. But if you take quantity, quality will always suffer. Look, what are the most viewed sites on Youtube or the internet? Utter nonsense, Pornohub, or some shamans….. But YouTube monetization doesn’t consider quality, it considers quantity. That’s why everyone is trying to throw shit, say all sorts of nonsense in order to increase likes, increase views and get monetized. But that’s YouTube. What if you’re a state? YouTube is a state within a state. It’s international. There is no national YouTube. But if you are a state and you are a government, you have to look after the national interest, the survival of the state, its existence for many years to come. You must always make sure that the intelligent minority is more heard than the stupid majority. If you don’t do that, the stupid majority will always defeat the intelligent minority because they are stupid, because they are more shouty, because they throw shit, and the intelligent man will not do that. He’s a noble man, he’s an aristocrat of the spirit, as they would say nowadays. Our authorities did not do it. In the beginning they tried to sit back somehow… What does it matter what the street is called? What difference does it make how we celebrate New Year’s Eve? And then she just did it. And fell into this trap of a stupid, shouting minority….”
Vadim Karasev

“The conscious and intelligent manipulation to organize the habits and opinions of the masses is an important element of a democratic society. Those who manipulate this invisible mechanism of society constitute the invisible government that actually controls the power in the country”.
Edward Bernays, father of the concept of PR, “Propaganda”.

Each of us in modern society is surrounded by a huge variety of content: books, movies, articles, radio and TV programs, computer games, songs, videos, opinions of “experts”, rumors, gossip, etc.
Of course, everyone has the right to choose what they want to read, listen and watch…..
Almost all publicly available content represents the point of view of its creators on topics where it is impossible to achieve complete objectivity. Such content is created to influence the minds of members of society, not to describe “objective reality”.
As soon as we consume the content offered to us by someone else, reflect on the information received and emotionally color the result of our reflections, the information created in this process will automatically become part of our consciousness and change it forever. 
Some people will benefit, some will be harmed, and some may die…. 
In the modern world, scientists are paid for their work, which is thousands of times less than that received by popular singers, journalists, directors, humorists…. This happens because many of them do not serve the Muse, but fulfill the orders of those in power to create and promote content that forms the so-called “public consciousness”.
Do you understand why this happens?
Do you understand who pays for it and for what purpose?
If you answered “yes” to both questions, then keep reading, listening and watching what you like….
If you answered “no” to both questions, then know this – you are already in prison without even realizing it….


Terms and definitions:
Opinion – a subject’s point of view on a topic in which complete objectivity cannot be achieved, based on an interpretation of facts or an emotional attitude toward them.
Public opinion – a form of public consciousness, in which the attitude (implicit or explicit) of various groups of people to events and processes affecting their interests and needs is manifested. 
Public consciousness – the point of view of large groups of people in society on this or that issue or problem, which is preliminarily formed under the influence of mass media (mass media) and stereotypes of mass culture in the interests of certain political forces.
Content – the whole variety of information “content” of something that is consumed by a subject, i.e. read, seen, heard, felt … by him.