Personality is… one of the main manifestations of the Soul

Personality is... One of the main manifestations of the Soul

Within the framework of modern science the term Soul is not applied, as scientists are not able to “see” the Soul and, accordingly, to measure any of its physical parameters.

But, a person is able to manifest different states of the Soul, considering the results from different points of view.

For naming different aspects of the Soul people apply many terms, the most frequently used of which are Personality, “Self”, Persona, Core essence:

  • Personality is a term that is applied when it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the Soul of a being is able to manifest as a system of socially significant stable features of this being, i.e., as a set of its abilities, character, temperament, experience, skills, knowledge, which are formed by the Soul during the life cycle of the being and refracted through its personal experiences and outlook, through its attitude to itself and to the objects of the Universe;

  • “Self” – a term that is applied when it is necessary to emphasize the fact that some flesh (an animated fragment of matter), has realized itself and is in constant contact with the surrounding world through its perception;

  • Person – a term that is used when it is necessary to emphasize the fact of the significance of the social role played by a Person in a particular social environment;

  • Core Essence – a term that is applied when it is necessary to emphasize the fact that all the resources of a being are managed by Soul, which organizes their interaction with other objects of the Universe.

  • Etc.

    The number of aspects of the Soul is not limited in any way and depends solely on the abilities of the subject.