Personality is… one of the main manifestations of the Soul

Personality is... One of the main manifestations of the Soul

Within the framework of modern science the term Soul is not applied, as scientists are not able to “see” the Soul and, accordingly, to measure any of its physical parameters.

But, a person is able to manifest different states of the Soul, considering the results from different points of view.

For naming different aspects of the Soul people apply many terms, the most frequently used of which are Personality, “Self”, Persona, Core essence:

  • Personality is a term that is applied when it is necessary to emphasize the fact that the Soul of a being is able to manifest as a system of socially significant stable features of this being, i.e., as a set of its abilities, character, temperament, experience, skills, knowledge, which are formed by the Soul during the life cycle of the being and refracted through its personal experiences and outlook, through its attitude to itself and to the objects of the Universe;

  • “Self” – a term that is applied when it is necessary to emphasize the fact that some flesh (an animated fragment of matter), has realized itself and is in constant contact with the surrounding world through its perception;

  • Person – a term that is used when it is necessary to emphasize the fact of the significance of the social role played by a Person in a particular social environment;

  • Core Essence – a term that is applied when it is necessary to emphasize the fact that all the resources of a being are managed by Soul, which organizes their interaction with other objects of the Universe.

  • Etc.

    The number of aspects of the Soul is not limited in any way and depends solely on the abilities of the subject.

Philosophy of the concept “information fields” and the basic principles to gain access to them

Does the “information field” exist or not? How do you think?

I guess that there are lots of “information fields” that differ from each other by the kind and form of stored information, the way of representing and perceiving it, types of information recording on carriers, information coordinates in our 3-dimensional space, etc. (In more detail the types of information I described in the Volume #25 “Information and Energy” of “The New Cosmic Philosophy” book series).

These “information fields” have special information carriers where all the data are stored; they also could have both material and immaterial nature. The main purpose of such information carriers is to save people perception, using any physical effects. Besides, there is unique filed on every type of carrier that simply has no relation to recorded information.

I`d like to mention that such concepts as “carrier” and “information carrier” are subjective ones, because they describe an object, information from the body of which an individual is able to read (to perceive). As example, one person is able to read information from the USB drive while another one considers it as an object with no intended use and nothing more.

The subjective variety of “information fields” depends on the subjective variety of information carriers that are located in the different “parts” of our 3-dimensional space.

For example:

  • Any library represents a peculiar “field” of shelves with some books, which contain the thoughts of dozens of thousands of people (the authors of these books) that is information. It is unique “information field” where the pages of books made from paper are information carriers. With the course of time material information carriers of this “field” will constantly change (stone —> clay tablets —> papyrus —> birchbark —> paper —>…);
  • World Wide Web is also original “information field” where the thoughts of million people are represented on the web pages. As a rule, hard drives are the parts of servers in the special “cloud” datacenters and information carriers of this “information field”. With the course of time material information carriers of this “field” will also constantly change (CD —> DVD —> HDD —> SSD —>…);
  •  “Information field” of the modern humankind is also unique, its information carriers are the certain exocellular (immaterial) carriers that contain all information people have systematized during cognition. In other words, this is the very same place for storing consciousnesses of all the Personalities of human beings who have ever lived or now are living on the Earth. Sometimes the concept “information core” is used instead of “information field”. Globally, this concept means one`s ability to receive information about any object of the Universe in any place of our 3-dimensional space by adjusting to wavelet characteristics of a cognizable object.

And now let us proceed to the most interesting point. Many people ask me such a question: “Can I get a personal access to the ‘information field’?” My answer is “Of course, you can. Every human being has a deep connection with this field from the birth of his corporeal body. Your intuition is a hint at this very same ‘field’.”

Some people keenly go with their gut feeling while others have no need for doing it! So, only certain individuals can reasonably answer the following question: “Why do you need an access to this information field?”

Let`s puzzle out this situation step by step.

Do you need an access to the “information field” where is stored information you don`t know about for any existing reason? No problems… Go to the best circulating library. It turns out that you just fool yourself, because you have no desire to study medicine, chemistry, biology, mathematics, etc. You have zero intention! What do you have reliance in? You think by accessing to information field you immediately and effortlessly perceive all information stored there (the thoughts of other people). Well, well… It doesn`t work like that…

 “Our” World is different, this proverb is the most appropriate to describe it: “The race is got by running!” Only certain efforts aimed at cognizing a particular object (process, phenomenon) can allow you to cognize and understand it, as a result, the information you personally receive during cognition will become a part of your consciousness.

Finally, the most important question without answering which “connection” to any “information field” is simply meaningless, sounds something like this: “Is the requested information useful if you successfully receive and understand it?” Fall short of hope … no one will answer you… because every person has his own “path of life” in this World.

Only being fully aware of the goals for information obtaining (when you could be useful for the Universe), you can count on gaining access to the “information field” … All the mechanisms of Nature (all the mechanisms of the environment of human beings) function according to “self-developing” algorithms, the main purpose of which is the sustainability of all its “parts” … Nature protects itself from irrational beings who can apply information received to the detriment of the Universe …

Cast mind back to the 80s of the last century, when in the USSR many citizens collected books in beautiful covers on their bookshelves, conceiving that the bigger number of these books, the more convinced would be their guests of a great intellect of their owner … and for years these books were on the shelves with their pages being untouched…. uncovered, unread, unrealized … 🙁 Do you strain after this?

Cast mind back to the 35-45 years of the last century, when in Germany members of  Ahnenerbe (“Inherited from the Forefathers“, a full name — “German Ancestral Heritage—Society for the Study of the History of Primeval Ideas”) looked for the ways to contact with “supreme minds” in order to meet targets of the world rule and to control people …  🙁 Do you strain after this?

Recall Atlantians, Sumerians, Toltecs and other representatives of “other humankinds”. It appears that these people were in the dark about the functioning principles of Nature algorithms.

Thus, find your position and make right decision!

“Do not gain knowledge only to thine undoing. Remember Adam.
Do not obtain that which ye cannot make constructive in thine own experience and in the experience of those whom ye contact day by day.
Do not attempt to force, impel or to even try to impress thy knowledge upon another. Remember what the serpent did to Eve.
In the studies, then, know WHERE ye are going. To gain knowledge merely for thine own satisfaction is a thing, a condition, an experience to be commended, if it does not produce in thine experience a feeling or a manner of expression that you are better than another on account of thy knowledge. This becomes self-evident that it would become then a stumblingblock, unless ye know what ye will do with thy knowledge.As to the manners of interpreting – these may be observed, these may be made constructive by the study of those influences that in the associations and dealings with thy fellow man ye have had weaknesses, inclinations. These are mental, not material things, though they may have brought material activity. Warnings, constructive activity in warnings, then may prove to be of helpful experience in the activity of any individual group.  That this should not include documentary data or evidence, to be sure, is well; for documentary evidence to the mind of the masses is nil. Only that which produces or makes for experiences that may make a citizen a better citizen, a father a better father, a mother a better mother, a neighbor a better neighbor, is constructive.”

Edgar Cayce “Readings” (5753—2)


© 2018, Helen Zhoglo, translation into English

Perception vs Receptivity vs Manifestation

COGNITION is a complex of processes, procedures and methods of acquisition of knowledge about phenomena and regularities of the objective World. A lot of special disciplines such as cognitive psychology, scientific methodology, history of science, Scientology, sociology of knowledge, etc. investigate cognition. However, most of these sciences study cognition, considering only certain aspects of it. On the whole, knowledge remains a special subject of philosophy study.

Let’s try to consider the COGNITION from another point of view – the point of view of the author of this article.

PERCEPTION (from Latin ‘perceptio’) is the simplest kind of cognition during which realizes ‘sensation’ of the World (in the broadest sense of this word). The discovery and differentiation processes take place in receptors of the body (flesh) and usually fall into perception. Theoretically, perception is the prerogative of any objects having a body (flesh).

RECEPTIVITY is more complicated kind of cognition during which one reflects earlier received perceptions (sensations) as objects, processes, phenomena. In a such way one formulates his own subjective understanding of the World. The identification and recognition (categorization) processes usually fall into receptivity. Theoretically, receptivity is the prerogative only of conscious objects.

 MANIFESTATION is the most pervasive kind of cognition during which one organizes perceptions one has received earlier into interdependent strings. These strings help someone to “see” cause-and-effect relations of the earlier perceived processes and phenomena of ‘our’ Universe. The thinking (speculation, using one’s brain help someone to use systematized information in his/her activity) usually fall into manifestation. Theoretically, manifestation is the prerogative of conscious Beings and Entities (they use consciousness in their activity, i.e. information they have systematized during cognition).


 Mental experiment №1. A fisherman at the pond.

The fishing rod with its line, buoy and hook can be considered as a peculiar device, “special equipment for the elongation of a fisherman hand” or “elongate arm prosthesis” with the help of which he can fish more successfully. This fisherman baited and tested the waters. Firstly, the fish (the observer in our case) senses a jig (perception), its brain reflected this jig on the hood as its favorite food (receptivity). But fish, as a rule, cannot think about what can be beyond this jig. It cannot realize that there is a fisherman, on whose rod this jig is fixed. Exactly this realization is a pervasive manifestation.


Mental experiment №2: A human being cognizes the World.

It is impossible to precisely identify a human being if basing only on his/her body parameters. A mere plastic operation and you will not recognize a human being you knew before. That’s why to solve this case a complex of BODY and PERSONALITY parameters are used, thanks to which every human being become an INDIVIDUUM. Individuum is the conventional name of a human being who possesses individuality, i.e. unique BODY and unique PERSONALITY.

When people assert that they know this “human” (to be more precise, a human being) it means that they identify this human being according to two interrelated components:

  • They know how the BODY of a human being in which the ENTITY of a human being incarnated looks like;
  • They know the PERSONALITY of this human being, which they associate with this body as a complex of his/her stable traits.

If only one of the mentioned above items will be changed, people will not recognize this human being (“human”).

It can happen if:

  • the BODY is changed (plastic operation, body injury, etc.);
  • the PERSONALITY of a human being is changed, by any reason the stable traits of the PERSONALITY change (a human being acquires new knowledge and aptitudes) or a human being have wasted his/her knowledge and aptitudes (which he/she had before).

Based on the mentioned above material, one can assert that people identify each other according to two interrelated components that are BODY and PERSONALITY of a human being.

But if the BODY is already formed during the birth, i.e. during child-bearing, then the moment when the PERSONALITY formation is unknown to many people.

The moment of the human being PERSONALITY formation is the moment of the “Self” (the ENTITY of a human being) incarnation into the BODY of a human being. This process is called CREATION (co-creation), because parents or partners participate in the creation of a human being. The completely different object under the conventional “SELF” or the ENTITY of a human being name deals with the creation of the PERSONALITY of a human being.

Here is the most interesting thing. People, as a rule, cannot “see” the ENTITY of a human being or their “Selves”, that’s why they resemble a fish the author described in the mentioned above mental experiment. But human beings differ from fishes by their ability to perform a pervasive king of cognition that is manifestation. With the help of thinking (speculation, using one’s brain) some PERSONALITIES of human beings recognize not only “themselves”, but also their place in the Universe…


© 2017, Helen Zhoglo, translation into English